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Chaz Doherty

Kaiārahi Māori

Chaz Doherty

Master of Art & Design

Chaz (Ngāi Tūhoe) is a key researcher and provides mātauranga Māori direction, guidance and leadership across Lincoln Agritech.

Chaz lives in the mist-clad mountains of Te Urewera in a small settlement called Ngāpūtahi. He lives as close as possible to Papatūānuku and Te Waonui-ā-Tāne to commit to kaitiakitanga, to be responsible pākeke/descendant/caretaker to the spirit that is Te Urewera.

Ko to tāua mana tangata, kei te taiao, kei te whenua, kei te wai / People need nature, land and waters for life, purpose and humanity.