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Antoine Di Ciacca

Post-Doctoral Modelling Scientist

Antoine Di Ciacca


Antoine joined Lincoln Agritech in May 2020 to conduct research for the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)-funded programme: “Subsurface processes in braided rivers – hyporheic exchange and leakage to groundwater”.

Antoine grew up in the Bordeaux region, south-western France. He obtained a BSc in Geosciences from the University of Bordeaux (France) and an MSc in Hydrogeology, Hydrology and Soil Sciences, jointly from the University of Rennes and the Agrocampus-Ouest (France). He continued his studies by doing a PhD in Bioscience Engineering at the KU Leuven and the Belgian Nuclear Research Center (Belgium). During his PhD research, he studied groundwater recharge and groundwater – surface water interactions, working mainly on modelling and upscaling issues.

Antoine is particularly interested in water transfer in vegetation, soil and groundwater, but also more broadly in water resources management, agriculture and all aspects of environmental modelling.

See Also

Different approaches to braided river research


Impact of river management on groundwater recharge from braided rivers, EGU General Assembly 2024
Wilson S, Measures R, Hoyle J, Stecca G, Durney P, Di Ciacca A, Wöhling T
Groundwater recharge from ephemeral rivers of the Canterbury Plains (New-Zealand): historical reconstruction using satellite imagery and environmental implications, EGU General Assembly 2024
Di Ciacca A, Brand M, Knight LG, Durney P
Conceptualisation of Groundwater Recharge from Braided Rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023
Wilson, S, Di Ciacca, A, Hoyle, J, Measures, R, Wöhling, T, Banks, E, Morgan, L
Model simplification to simulate groundwater recharge from perched gravel-bed braided rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023
Di Ciacca A, Wilson S, Wöhling T
Deriving transmission losses in ephemeral rivers using satellite imagery and machine learning, “Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.”
Di Ciacca A, Wilson S, Kang J, Wöhling T