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Helen Rutter

Senior Research Scientist

Helen Rutter

BSc, PhD

Helen has worked as a hydrogeologist for more than 30 years. She spent 16 years with the British Geological Survey in the UK and Botswana, followed by another 16 with Aqualinc Research Ltd in Christchurch.

Her areas of interest include groundwater and freshwater quality (particularly nitrates), transport processes in groundwater, drinking water quality and protection, climate change impacts on water resources, ground source heat pump systems, shallow groundwater hazards, especially in the light of climate change, and earthquake impacts on aquifer systems.

Helen has been involved as an expert witness in many hearings and court cases, usually assessing impacts on groundwater quality from various activities, including industrial activities, land use intensification and quarry/clean filling. She is a Chartered Geologist (Geological Society of London) and a Senior Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Canterbury. She was on the executive committee of the New Zealand Hydrological Society for around 10 years and was a Visiting Research Associate with the British Geological Survey for six years.


Source Water Risk Management Planning and the need for guidance, Water NZ, September/October 2024
Dodson M, Rutter H, Williamson J, Weaver L
Uncertainty in logging lithology of a layered unconsolidated aquifer system: correlation and observation of differences between drilling approaches, Journal of Hydrology New Zealand, 2023
Harris E, Rutter H, Weeber J, Legg J, Haycock I
Uncertainty in logging lithology of a layered unconsolidated aquifer system